龙晓泳,男,汉族,1979年生,湖北汉川人,九三学社西南大学委员,重庆天文科普教育协会理事。快三计划-大发快三计划网 教授,2004年获兰州大学自然地理学专业天文气候学方向硕士学位,同年进入西南大学任教。2011年获南京大学表生地球化学所地球化学博士学位,2014年赴西班牙科尔多瓦大学访问。现从事行星表面铁氧化物及硫化物的环境地球化学研究, 承担快三计划 本科课程《地球概论》、《土壤地理学》、《教育研究方法》,网络教育课程《天象观测原理与方法》,研究生课程《自然地理学前沿进展》、《表层地球化学》的教学工作,主持重庆市精品在线课程《地球概论》(即普通天文学课程)。
超星课程 //www.xueyinonline.com/detail/214566062
中国大学MOOC //www.icourse163.org/course/SWU-1207484807
1. 行星表面土壤与沉积物铁氧化物及硫化物的高光谱与环境磁学定量。
2. 地球表面不同物理化学条件下铁氧化物及硫化物分配过程的生态环境效应。
3. 红层多尺度地貌演化及其矿物与生物耦合机制。
4. 基于跨学科融合的地理师范生核心素养培养研究。
1. 中国地质调查局:海南昌江-广东云浮地区区域地质调查-生态环境地质调查(澄迈幅与定安幅),2019-2020
2. 中国地质调查局:琼海市沙美内海生态地质调查及生源要素循环和交换规律研究,2021
3. 国家自然科学基金委员会面上基金:红壤-黄壤过渡区致色和致磁铁氧化物的气候响应阈值及富集分配机制(41877369,2019-2022)
4. 重庆市自然科学基金面上项目:三峡汛期入库悬浮物致色与致磁铁氧化物的磷砷耦合效应研究(cstc2018jcyjAX0456,2018-2020)
5. 中国博士后基金面上项目:铁氧化物-高岭石凝聚过程中的磷砷耦合吸附与闭蓄研究(2018M633306,2018-2019):
6. 国家自然科学基金委员会青年基金:热带高降水梯度下表生致色和致磁铁氧化物的耦合响应研究(40103414,2015-2017)
1. 西南大学教改重点项目:基础创新驱动下跨学科融合的卓越地理教师培养探索与实践研究(2023JY002,2024-2026)
1. Meng, Xianqiang Li, Gen K. Liu Lianwen, Long Xiaoyong, Zhao Wancang, Da Jiawei, Ji Junfeng, Decoupled paleosol-based proxies in Chinese loess deposits: Role of leaching and illuviation processes, 2022, Quaternary Science Reviews, 298:107847,//doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2022.107847.
2. Lu Jinmei, Long Xiaoyong*, Li Xiang, Ji Junfeng, Qiang Xiaoke, Song Yougui, Topography-dependent formation and transformation of lithogenic and pedogenic iron oxides on a volcano under a tropical monsoon climate, 2022,CATENA, 217:106521, //doi.org/10.1016/j.catena.2022.106521
3. Cai, Yunfeng., Long, Xiaoyong*., Meng, Xianqiang., Ji, Junfeng., Wang, Yong., & Xie, Shiyou.. Coordinated and competitive formation of soil magnetic particles driven by contrary climate development, 2021, Geophysical Research Letters, 48, e2021GL094506. //doi.org/10.1029/2021GL094506
4. Chen, C.J., Huang, R., Yuan, D.X., Zhang, J., Cheng, H., Ning, Y.F., Yu, T.L., Shen, C.C., Edwards, R.L., Long, X.Y., Wang, T., Xiao, S.Y., Wu, Y., Liu, Z.Q., Li, T.Y*., Li, J.Y*., 2021. Karst hydrological changes during the Late-Holocene in Southwestern China. Quaternary Science Reviews 258, 15. //doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2021.106865
5. Guo, Shanglong, Cai, Yunfeng, Ren, Juan, Guan, Yanxia, Xin, Dengchun and Long, Xiaoyong*, Formation and migration of magnetic particles associated with iron oxide transformation at a hillslope scale. 2021, Catena, 197(104944) //doi.org/10.1016/j.catena.2020.104944
6. Ren, Juan., Long, Xiaoyong*, Ji, Junfeng., Barrón, Vidal., Torrent, José, Wang, Yong., Xie, Shiyou., Different Enrichment Patterns of Magnetic Particles Modulated by Primary Iron-Phosphorous Input. 2020, Geophysical Research Letters 47 (22): e2020GL090439. //doi.org/10.1029/2020GL090439
7. Zhao Wancang, William Balsam, Long Xiaoyong, Ji Junfeng*. Sr-Nd-Hf isotopic fingerprinting of trans-Atlantic dust derived from North African deserts.2018, Earth and Planetary Science Letters. //doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2018.01.004
8. Long Xiaoyong*,Ji Junfeng,Vidal Barrón and José Torrent, Climatic thresholds for pedogenic iron oxides under aerobic conditions: Processes and their significance in paleoclimate reconstruction. 2016, Quaternary Science Reviews, 150: 264-277. //dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2016.08.031
9. Li Gaojun*, Hartmann Jens, Derry Louis A, West A Joshua, You, Chen-Feng, Long Xiaoyong, Zhan o, Li Laifeng, Li Gen, Qiu, Wenhong. Temperature dependence of basalt weathering, 2016, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 443: 59-69. //dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2016.03.015
10. Long Xiaoyong*,Ji Junfeng,William Balsam,Vidal Barrón and José Torrent,Grain growth and transformation of magnetic particles in red Ferralsols,2015, Geophysical Research Letter, 42(14): 5762-5770. //dx.doi.org/10.1002/2015GL064678
11. Long Xiaoyong*,Junfeng Ji,William Balsam, Rainfall dependent transformations of iron oxides in a tropical saprolite transect Hainan Island, South China: spectral and magnetic measurements, 2011, Journal of Geophysical Research,116,F03015.//dx.doi.org/10.1029/2010JF001712
12. Balsam William*, Ellwood Brooks, Ji Junfeng, Williams Earle, Long Xiaoyong,Ahmed El Hassani*,2011,Magnetic susceptibility as a proxy for rainfall: Worldwide data from tropical and temperate climate,2011, Quaternary Science Reviews,30,2732-2744.//dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2011.06.002
13. 邢邓春; 陈静; 鲍海鹏; 龙晓泳*; 亚热带花岗岩坡地富铁土铁氧化物相分配对团聚体稳定性的影响, 土壤学报, 2022, 59(4):975-986.
14. 管艳霞; 陆金妹; 马榕均; 邢邓春; 龙晓泳*; 土壤铁氧化物与腐殖质的交叉染色效应研究, 土壤学报, 2023, 60(1):138-150.
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