刘彬,1983年生于四川隆昌,理学博士,快三计划-大发快三计划网 副教授。2014年在中国科快三计划 地质与地球物理研究所获第四纪地质学博士学位,同年进入中国科快三计划 青藏高原研究所作博士后。2017年入职快三计划-大发快三计划网 。现从事青藏高原大气气溶胶研究,承担快三计划 《气象学与气候学》和《地球概论》课程的教学工作。
研究兴趣主要研究方向是青藏高原大气气溶胶及其环境与气候效应。建立了青藏高原背景大气气溶胶监测台网,开展该地区气溶胶浓度、化学组分、碳组分和光学特征的研究。目前力图将该气溶胶监测台网扩展至西南山地并开展实验工作。[email protected]ResearchGate: //www.researchgate.net/profile/Bin-Liu-57Google Scholar: //scholar.google.com/citations?user=UydEpBoAAAAJ&hl=en
主持和参与项目[1] 国家自然科学基金重点项目,西南地区复杂地表陆表过程观测与模拟,参与[2] 中央高校基本科研业务费项目,三峡库区大气氮干湿沉降监测研究,主持[3] 重庆市出站博士后来渝择优资助项目,金佛山山地气溶胶研究,主持[4] 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,基于被动采样技术的青藏高原大气氮干湿沉降研究,主持
代表性论文1、Pokharel M.; Guang J.; Liu B., Kang S.; Ma Y.; Holben B.N.; Xia X.; Xin J.; Ram K.; Rupakheti D.; Wan X.; Wu G.; Bhattarai H.; Zhao C.; Cong Z., (2020), Aerosol properties over Tibetan Plateau from a decade of AERONET measurements: baseline, types, and influencing factors, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2019, 124(23): 13357-13374.2、Wu, G., Wan X., Ram K., Li P., Liu B., Yin Y., Fu P., Loewen M., Gao S., Kang, S., Kawamura, K., Wang Y., Cong, Z., (2020), Light absorption, fluorescence properties and sources of brown carbon aerosols in the Southeast Tibetan Plateau, Environ Pollut, doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2019.113616 257.3、Liu, B., Cong, Z., Wang, Y., Xin, J., Wan, X., Pan, Y., Liu, Z., Wang, Y., Zhang, G., Wang, Z., Wang, Y., and Kang, S., (2017), Background aerosol over the Himalayas and Tibetan Plateau: observed characteristics of aerosol mass loading, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 17(1), 449-463.4、Wu, G. M., Cong, Z.Y., Kang, S.C., Kawamura, K., Fu, P.Q., Zhang, Y.L., Wan, X., Gao, S.P., and Liu, B., (2016) Brown carbon in the cryosphere: Current knowledge and perspective, Advances in Climate Change Research, 7, 82–89,.5、Wan, X., Kang S., Xin J., Liu B., Wen T., Wang P., Wang Y., and Cong Z., (2016), Chemical composition of size-segregated aerosols in Lhasa city, Tibetan Plateau, Atmospheric Research, 174–175, 142-150.6、Cong, Z., Kang S., Kawamura K., Liu B., Wan X., Wang Z., Gao S., and Fu P., (2015), Carbonaceous aerosols on the south edge of the Tibetan Plateau: concentrations, seasonality and sources, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15(3), 1573-1584.7、Wan, X., Kang S., Wang Y., Xin J., Liu B., Guo Y., Wen T., Zhang G., and Cong Z., (2015), Size distribution of carbonaceous aerosols at a high-altitude site on the central Tibetan Plateau (Nam Co Station, 4730 m a.s.l.), Atmos. Res., 153(0), 155-164.8、Liu, B., S. Kang, J. Sun, X. Wan, Y. Wang, S. Gao, and Z. Cong (2014), Low-molecular-weight organic acids in the Tibetan Plateau: Results from one-year of precipitation samples at the SET station, Atmos. Environ., 86(0), 68-73.9、Liu, B., S. Kang, J. Sun, Y. Zhang, R. Xu, Y. Wang, Y. Liu, and Z. Cong (2013), Wet precipitation chemistry at a high-altitude site (3,326 m a.s.l.) in the southeastern Tibetan Plateau, Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res., 20(7), 5013-5027.